So, my idea was to use Google Voice for my phone and fax number, so that if I move to a new office, I won’t have to change numbers.  And…so much for that idea.

First, it won’t work as a fax number because Google Voice is digital and fax technology is analog.  OK, I can live with that, but now I realized that anytime people call my Voice number, they do not get my receptionist and go straight to voice mail.  That is not a good thing.  Apparently this is an ongoing issue for the service which has no easy fix.  So, I am just giving up using the service altogether and using my regular office number.

Lesson learned – technology is great, but make sure you vet everything carefully before you decide to use it.  Google Voice is free, so no money lost there, plus I just caught it in time to print my business cards correctly with the new number.  Most newer software and services offer a free trial, so make sure you give them a good practice run before deciding to move forward with them, whether it’s a software download or software as a service.